London APSA Boys Complete 5 Mile Walk For Charity


Four players from the London APSA youth team took part in a 5 mile walk from Bow to Barking on New Years Eve 2015.

Boys with their certificates awarded by NILC 
Boss Hafiz Ahmed with APSA winger Akram Miah
London APSA team selfie 

The players included; Goalkeeper Shafiiq Shipkoylee, Captain Taher Mahmood, Centre back Mahdi Ali and Left winger Akram Miah.

The walk was in partnership with a charity project run by the NILC centre in Manor Park.

At the end of the walk the boys were awarded with certificates for their participation of the event.

APSA left winger Akram Miah said; 'I really enjoyed today, it was a fun and exiting day and I would definitely love to do it again sometime.'

London APSA youth team manager, Hafiz Ahmed said at the end of the walk; 'Today was a a very fun and exiting day me and the boys really enjoyed it, great team bonding and more importantly benefiting a greater cause'. 

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