London APSA Begin 2016 As Manor Park Champions


The Manor Park Football Tournament was held in Little Ilford Park on Saturday 2nd January 2016, for the U16s age group.

London APSA boys celebrate with their trophies 
The 7 A Side Tournament consisted of 4 teams battling it out to be champions of Manor Park. Every team played each other twice in a round robin, league format tournament. 

APSA team talk ahead of the decisive game 
APS A youngsters Akram and Shafiiq
get ready for the decisive match 
As London APSA was the youngest team in the tournament little was expected from the youngsters and that proved right as they lost the first game 2-0 to Manor United Under 16s.

However shockingly APSA managed to win the next few games and go onto win the tournament as they beat Manor United 3-1 in the decisive game, with youngsters; Kamran Uddin and Akram Miah getting the goals.

London APSA manager Hafiz Ahmed said after the win 'Today was just a glimpse of how we can show our hunger and determination to win regardless the opposition we played, we was the youngest team in the competition but yet we showed great footballing skill and our class really stood out today, Kamran was exceptional and so was Akram in the middle winning every ball for our forwards and so was our entire team, full credit to our boys.'

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